Radio / CD / MP3
Acapulco MP54
7 644 252 310
Casablanca MP54 7 644 250 310
Operating instructions
Button to switch the device on/
off and operate the volume mute
OK button to confirm menu en-
tries and activate the scan func-
button to open the flip-release
control panel
Keys 4 - 6
RDS button to switch the RDS
function on/off (Radio Data Sys-
TRAF button to switch traffic in-
formation standby on/off.
AUDIO button to adjust the
bass, treble, balance and fader.
BND button (band) to select ra-
dio mode as the source, to se-
lect the FM memory banks and
the MW and LW wavebands
TS to start the Travelstore func-
DEQ button to activate/deacti-
vate and set up the equalizer.
SRC button to switch between
the CD/MP3, CD changer (if
connected) and AUX sources.
Volume control
Keys 1 - 3
button to eject the CD from
the device
Arrow buttons
DIS•ESC button to change the
display content and close men-
MENU button to open the basic
settings menu.
Long press: Deactivate / activate
demo mode.
Switching bandwidth during
Notes and accessories .......... 50
Road safety ................................... 50
Installation ..................................... 50
Accessories .................................. 50
Activating /
interference (SHARX).................... 60
Configuring the display .................. 60
Naming radio stations (only FM) .... 60
Activating/deactivating the radio
text display .................................... 61
deactivating demo mode................ 51
Traffic information.................. 61
Switching traffic information
priority on/off ................................. 61
Setting the volume for traffic
Detachable control panel....... 51
Theft protection ............................. 51
Detaching the control panel ........... 51
Attaching the control panel ............ 52
announcements ............................. 62
Switching on/off .................... 52
CD mode ................................ 62
Switching to CD mode .................. 62
Selecting tracks ............................ 63
Fast track selection ....................... 63
Fast searching (audible) ................ 63
Random track play (MIX) ............... 63
Scanning tracks (SCAN) ............... 63
Repeating tracks (REPEAT) ........... 64
Pausing playback (PAUSE)............ 64
Changing the display ..................... 64
Displaying CD text/CD name ......... 64
Naming CDs ................................. 65
Traffic announcements in CD mode. 66
Ejecting a CD ................................ 66
Adjusting the volume ............. 53
Setting the power-on volume ......... 53
Instantaneously decreasing the
volume (mute)................................ 53
Telephone audio / navigation audio 53
Setting the volume of the
confirmation beep.......................... 54
Automatic sound ........................... 55
Radio mode............................ 55
Switching to radio mode ................ 55
Convenient RDS functions
(AF, REG) ..................................... 55
Selecting the waveband /
memory bank................................. 56
Tuning into a station....................... 56
Setting the sensitivity of station
seek tuning.................................... 57
Storing stations ............................. 57
Storing stations automatically
(Travelstore) .................................. 57
Listening to stored stations ............ 57
Scanning receivable stations
(SCAN) ......................................... 58
Setting the scanning time .............. 58
Programme type (PTY) .................. 58
Optimising radio reception............. 59
MP3 mode .............................. 67
Preparing an MP3-CD ................... 67
Switching to MP3 mode ................ 68
Configuring the display .................. 68
Selecting a directory...................... 69
Selecting tracks ............................ 70
Fast searching
(not in MP3 browse mode) ............ 70
Random track play – MIX
(not in MP3 browse mode) ............ 70
Scanning tracks – SCAN
(not in MP3 browse mode) ............ 70
Repeating individual tracks or
whole directories – REPEAT
(not in MP3 browse mode) ............ 71
Pausing playback (PAUSE)............ 71
Equalizer ................................ 78
Switching the equalizer on/off ........ 78
Selecting sound presets ................ 79
Selecting vehicle presets ............... 79
Automatic equalizer calibration
(only Acapulco MP54) ................... 79
Manually adjusting the equalizer..... 80
Help adjusting the equalizer ........... 82
CD-changer mode ................. 72
Switching to CD-changer mode..... 72
Selecting CDs............................... 72
Selecting tracks ............................ 72
Fast searching (audible) ................ 72
Changing the display ..................... 72
Repeating individual tracks or
whole CDs (REPEAT).................... 73
Random track play (MIX) ............... 73
Scanning all tracks on all CDs
Adjusting the display settings 83
Switching the bar graph on/off....... 83
Switching the power meter on/off .. 83
Adjusting the display brightness..... 83
Adjusting the viewing angle ........... 84
Setting the display illumination
(SCAN) ......................................... 73
Pausing playback (PAUSE)............ 73
Naming CDs ................................. 74
colour (only Acapulco MP54)......... 84
External audio sources .......... 86
Switching the AUX input on/off ...... 86
CLOCK time ........................... 75
Displaying the time ........................ 75
Setting the clock automatically....... 75
Setting the clock manually ............. 75
Selecting 12/24-hour clock mode .. 76
Displaying the time continuously
TMC for dynamic navigation
systems .................................. 87
Specifications ........................ 87
Amplifier........................................ 87
Tuner............................................. 87
CD ................................................ 87
Pre-amp out .................................. 87
Input sensitivity .............................. 87
when the device is off and the
ignition is on .................................. 76
Sound..................................... 77
Adjusting the bass ......................... 77
Adjusting the treble ....................... 77
Setting the left/right volume
distribution (balance) ..................... 77
Adjusting the front/rear volume
distribution (fader) ......................... 77
X-BASS .................................. 78
Road safety
Notes and accessories
Thank you for choosing a Blaupunkt
product. We hope you enjoy using this
new piece of equipment.
Road safety has absolute prior-
ity. Only operate your car sound sys-
tem if the road and traffic conditions
allow you to do so. Familiarise your-
self with the device before setting off
on your journey.
Please read these operating instruc-
tions before using the equipment for
the first time.
You should always be able to hear
police, fire and ambulance sirens in
good time from inside your vehicle.
For this reason, listen to your car
sound system at a suitable volume
level during your journey.
The Blaupunkt editors are constantly
working on making the operating in-
structions clearer and easier to under-
stand. However, if you still have any
questions on how to operate the device,
please contact your dealer or the tele-
phone hotline for your country. You will
find the telephone number printed at the
back of this booklet.
If you want to install your car sound sys-
tem yourself, please read the installa-
tion and connection instructions that
follow these operating instructions.
We provide a manufacturer guarantee
for our products bought within the Eu-
ropean Union. You can view the guar-
or ask for them directly at:
Only use accessories approved by Blau-
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert Bosch Str. 200
Remote control
The optional RC08 or RC10 remote
control allows you to access the most
important functions of your car sound
system safely and conveniently from
your steering wheel.
31139 Hildesheim
You cannot switch the device on/off us-
ing the remote control.
You can use all Blaupunkt and Velocity
Detachable control panel
Theft protection
CD changers
You can connect the following Blaupunkt
CD changers:
The device is equipped with a detacha-
ble control panel (flip-release panel) as
a way of protecting your equipment
CDC A 08, IDC A 09 and CDC A 03.
Compact Drive MP3
You can connect the Compact Drive against theft. The device is worthless
MP3 instead of a CD-changer in order to a thief without this control panel.
to play MP3 music tracks. If you decide
Protect your device against theft by tak-
to connect a Compact Drive MP3, you
ing the control panel with you whenev-
will first need to use a computer to store
er you leave your vehicle. Do not leave
the MP3 music tracks on the Micro-
the control panel inside your vehicle -
drive™ hard disk that is inside the Com-
not even in a hiding place.
pact Drive MP3. Then, when the Com-
The control panel has been designed
pact Drive MP3 is connected to the car
to be easy to use.
sound system, you can play the tracks
like normal CD music tracks.
The Compact Drive MP3 is operated in
a similar way to a CD-changer. Most of
the CD-changer functions can also be
used with the Compact Drive MP3.
● Never drop the control panel.
● Never expose the control panel to
direct sunlight or other heat sourc-
Activating / deactivating demo
● Avoid direct skin contact with the
control panel’s electrical contacts. If
necessary, clean the contacts with
a lint-free cloth and some alcohol.
The device is supplied from the factory
with demo mode activated. The various
functions of the device are displayed
graphically as animations in the display
during demo mode. You can also deac-
tivate demo mode.
Detaching the control panel
● Press button
The control panel opens out towards
● Press and hold down the MENU
button 9 for longer than four sec-
onds to activate/deactivate demo
● Hold the control panel by its right
side and then pull the control panel
straight out of the bracket.
Switching on/off
There are various ways of switching the
device on/off:
● All the current settings are saved.
● Any CD already inserted in the de-
vice remains there.
Switching on/off using the vehicle
● The device switches off automati-
cally after approx. one minute.
The device will switch on/off simultane-
ously with the ignition if the device is
correctly connected to the vehicle’s ig-
nition and you did not switch the device
off by pressing button 1.
Attaching the control panel
● Hold the control panel at approxi-
mately right angles to the device.
● Slide the control panel into the de-
vice’s guides that are positioned on
the left and right at the lower edge
of the housing. Push the control
panel carefully into the bracket until
it clicks into place.
Switching the device on/off using
the detachable control panel
● Detach the control panel.
The device switches off automatically
after approx. one minute.
● Flip up the control panel and care-
fully press it into the device until it
clicks into place.
● Attach the control panel again.
The device switches on. The last set-
ting (radio, CD, CD changer orAUX) will
be reactivated.
Switching on/off using button 1
● To switch on the device, press but-
ton 1.
● To switch off the device, press and
hold down button 1 for longer
than two seconds.
● When attaching the control panel,
make sure you do not press the
The device switches off.
● To protect the vehicle battery, the
device will switch off automatically
after one hour if the ignition is off.
If the device was still switched on when
you removed the control panel, it will
automatically switch on with the last
setting activated (radio, CD/MP3, CD
changer or AUX) when the panel is re-
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume in steps from
0 (off) to 50 (maximum).
Risk of injury! If the power-on vol-
ume is set to maximum, the volume
level can be very high when the de-
vice is switched on.
If the volume was set to maximum
before the device was switched off
and the power-on volume is set to
“LAST VOLUME”, the volume level
can be very high when the device is
switched on again.
To increase the volume,
● turn the volume control 5 clock-
To decrease the volume,
● turn the volume control 5 anti-
Severe damage to your hearing can
be caused in both cases!
Setting the power-on volume
You can set the default volume level at
which the device plays when it is
switched on.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
● Press the MENU button 9.
Instantaneously decreasing the
volume (mute)
You can instantaneously decrease the
volume (mute) to a level preset by you.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VOLUME MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
● Briefly press button 1.
“MUTE” appears in the display.
Cancelling mute
the volume menu.
“LAST VOLUME” and the currently set
value are displayed or “ON VOLUME”
is displayed.
To return to your previously set volume
● Adjust the power-on volume using
buttons 7.
● briefly press button 1 again.
To help you adjust the setting more eas-
ily, the device will increase or decrease
the volume as you make your changes.
Telephone audio / navigation
If you change the setting to “LAST VOL-
UME”, the volume when the device
switches on will be the same as the vol-
ume level that was set the last time you
switched the device off.
If your car sound system is connected
to a mobile telephone or a navigation
system, the sound system’s volume will
be muted as soon as you “pick up” the
phone or as soon as a navigation an-
nouncement is made. You will then hear
the caller or navigation announcement
over the car sound system’s loudspeak-
ers. In order for this feature to work, the When you have finished making your
mobile telephone or navigation system changes,
must be connected to the car sound
system as described in the installation
● press the MENU button 9.
● You can use the volume control 5
to adjust the volume of telephone
calls and navigation announce-
ments whilst you are listening to
You will need a cable for this with the
following Blaupunkt number: 7 607 001
You can find out from your Blaupunkt
dealer which navigation systems can be
used with your car sound system.
Setting the volume of the
confirmation beep
If the sound system receives a traffic
announcement during a telephone call
or whilst a navigation announcement is
being made, you will only be able to hear
the traffic announcement after the call
or navigation announcement is finished
(in so far as the traffic announcement is
still being broadcast). The traffic an-
nouncement is not recorded!
The system will output a confirmation
beep for some functions if you keep a
button pressed down for longer than two
seconds, for instance, when assigning
a radio station to a station preset but-
ton. You can adjust the volume of this
● Press the MENU button 9.
You can set the volume level at which
telephone calls and navigation an-
nouncements will initially be heard.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VOLUME MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the OK button : to display
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VOLUME MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
the volume menu.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “BEEP VOL” appears in
the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
the volume menu.
● Adjust the volume using the
buttons 7. “0” means that the
beep is deactivated, “6” means that
the maximum beep volume is set.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “PHONE/NAVI” appears
in the display.
● Set your preferred volume level us-
When you have finished making your
ing the
buttons 7.
● press the MENU button 9.
Automatic sound
Radio mode
This feature automatically adjusts the
volume of the car sound system to suit
the speed at which the vehicle is travel-
ling. In order for this to work, your car
sound system must be connected as
described in the installation instructions.
This device is equipped with an RDS
radio receiver. Many of the receivable
FM stations broadcast a signal that not
only carries the programme but also
additional information such as the sta-
tion name and programme type (PTY).
You can adjust the automatic volume
boost feature in six steps from (0 to 5).
The station name appears in the dis-
play as soon as the tuner receives it.
● Press the MENU button 9.
Switching to radio mode
If you are in CD, CD changer or AUX
● Press the button 7 repeatedly
until “VOLUME MENU” appears in
the display.
● press the BND•TS button 4.
● Press the OK button : to display
the volume menu.
● press the SRC button @ repeated-
ly until the memory bank (e.g.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “AUTO SOUND” appears
in the display.
“FM1”) appears in the display.
● Set the volume adjustment level
Convenient RDS functions (AF,
The convenient RDS functions AF (Al-
ternative Frequency) and REGIONAL
extend your radio’s range of functions.
(0 - 5) using the
buttons 7.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
● AF: If the RDS function is activat-
ed, the radio automatically tunes
into the best receivable frequency
for the station that is currently set.
● The optimum setting (0 - 5) for the
speed-dependent volume adjust-
ment feature depends on how
noise levels develop in your partic-
ular vehicle. You will need to test
various settings in order to find out
which is best suited to your vehicle.
● REGIONAL: At certain times, some
radio stations divide their pro-
gramme into regional programmes
providing different content. You can
use the REG function to prevent
the car radio from switching to al-
ternative frequencies that are
transmitting different programme
To switch between the FM memory
banks (FM1, FM2 and FMT) and the
MW and LW wavebands,
● REGIONAL must be activated/de-
activated separately in the menu.
● briefly press the BND•TS button
Switching REGIONAL on/off
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
Tuning into a station
There are various ways of tuning into a
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
Automatic station seek tuning
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “REG” appears in the dis-
play. “OFF” or “ON” is displayed
alongside “REG”.
● Press the or button 7.
The radio tunes into the next receiva-
ble station.
● To switch REGIONAL on/off, press
Tuning into stations manually
the or button 7.
You can also tune into stations manual-
● Press the MENU button 9.
Switching the RDS function on/off
If you want to use the RDS functions
● You can only tune into stations
manually if the RDS function is de-
● press the RDS button 3.
● Press the or button 7.
The RDS functions are active when
RDS lights up in the display.
Browsing through broadcasting
networks (only FM)
Selecting the waveband /
memory bank
If a radio station provides several pro-
grammes, you have the option of brows-
ing through its so-called “broadcasting
This device can receive programmes
broadcast over the FM frequency range
as well as the MW and LW (AM) wave-
bands. There are three memory banks
available for the FM waveband (FM1,
FM2 and FMT) and one for each of the
MW and LW wavebands.
● The RDS function must be activat-
ed before you can use this feature.
● Press the or button 7 to
switch to the next station on the
broadcasting network.
Six stations can be stored in each mem-
ory bank.
Storing stations
● When using this feature, you will
only be able to switch to stations
that you have received once before
already. To receive the stations,
use the Scan or Travelstore func-
Storing stations manually
● Select the memory bank that you
want (FM1, FM2, FMT) or one of
the wavebands (MW or LW).
● Tune into the station that you want.
Setting the sensitivity of station
seek tuning
You can choose whether the radio
should only tune into stations providing
good reception or whether it can also
tune into those with a weak reception.
● Press and hold down one of the
station buttons 1 - 3 6 or 4 - 6 ;
for longer than two seconds to as-
sign the station to that button.
Storing stations automatically
You can automatically store the six sta-
tions providing the best reception in the
region (only FM). The stations are stored
in the FMT memory bank.
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “SENS” appears in the
● Any stations that were previously
stored in this memory bank are de-
leted in the process.
The display shows the currently set sen-
sitivity level. “SENS HI3” means that the
tuner is set to the highest sensitivity
setting. “SENS LO1” means it is set to
the lowest sensitivity setting.
● Press and hold down the BND•TS
button 4 for longer than two sec-
The storing procedure begins. “TRAV-
EL STORE” appears in the display. Af-
ter the process has completed, the ra-
dio will play the station that is stored in
memory location 1 of the FMT memory
● Set the sensitivity level that you
want using the
buttons 7.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
Listening to stored stations
● Select the memory bank or wave-
● You can set different sensitivity lev-
els for FM and MW or LW (AM).
● Press the station button 1 - 3 6 or
4 - 6 ; that the station you want
to listen to is assigned to.
Scanning receivable stations
You can use the scan function to play
all the receivable stations briefly. You
can set the scanning time in the menu
to between 5 and 30 seconds.
● The scanning time that you set is
also applied by the system to scan-
ning carried out in CD/MP3 mode
and CD-changer mode.
Programme type (PTY)
Besides transmitting the station name,
some FM stations also provide informa-
tion on the type of programme that they
are broadcasting. Your car radio can
receive and display this information.
Starting SCAN
● Press and hold down the OK but-
ton : for longer than two sec-
Scanning begins. “SCAN” appears
briefly in the display followed by a flash-
ing display of the current station name
or frequency.
For example, the programme types can
Cancelling SCAN and continuing
listening to a station
You can use the PTY function to select
stations of a particular programme type.
● Press the OK button :.
Scanning stops and the radio continues
playing the station that it tuned into last.
If you specify the programme type and
start seek tuning, the radio will switch
from the current station to a station of
the selected programme type.
Setting the scanning time
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● If the tuner does not find a station
that corresponds to the selected
programme type, you will hear a
beep and “NO PTY” appears briefly
in the display. The radio will then
retune to the station that it received
● Press the OK button : to display
the menu.
“SCAN TIME” and the currently set time
are displayed.
● Set the scanning time that you
● If the tuned radio station or another
station on the broadcasting net-
work broadcasts your selected pro-
gramme type at a later point in
want using the
buttons 7.
When you have finished making your
time, the radio will automatically
switch from the currently tuned sta-
● press the MENU button 9.
tion or from CD/MP3 mode or CD-
changer mode to the station whose
programme type matches the one
you selected.
Assigning a programme type to a
station button
● Select a programme type using the
or button 7.
Switching PTY on/off
● Press and hold down the station
button 1 - 3 6 or 4 - 6 ; that you
want for longer than two seconds.
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
The programme type will then be as-
signed to the selected button 1 - 3 6
or 4 - 6 ;.
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
“PTY” and the current setting appear in
the display.
Optimising radio reception
● Press the or button 7 to
Treble reduction feature during
interference (HICUT)
switch PTY ON or OFF.
● Press the OK button :.
The HICUT function improves reception
during poor radio reception (only FM).
If interference occurs, the system auto-
matically reduces the treble thus reduc-
ing the interference level.
Selecting a programme type and
starting seek tuning
● Press the or button 7.
The current programme type appears
in the display.
Switching HICUT on/off
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● If you want to select another pro-
gramme type, you can do so by
pressing the or button 7
whilst this display is visible.
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “HICUT” appears in the
● Press one of the buttons 1 - 3 6
or 4 - 6 ; to select a programme
type that is assigned to one of
these buttons.
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
just the HICUT setting.
The selected programme type appears
briefly in the display.
“HICUT 0” means that no automatic re-
duction of the interference level will be
made; “HICUT 2” means that a maxi-
mum reduction will be made.
● Press the or button 7 to start
seek tuning.
● Press the MENU button 9.
The radio will then tune into the next
station that it finds that corresponds to
your selected programme type.
Switching bandwidth during
interference (SHARX)
Naming radio stations (only FM)
This device allows you to give stored
radio stations their own name. The
name can be up to eight characters
long. This name is displayed in the sec-
ond line of the display beneath the fre-
quency. You can only give stations a
name that you have stored together with
their frequency and which do not already
have their own RDS name.
The SHARX function allows you to
largely avoid interference caused by
neighbouring radio stations (FM only).
Switch on the SHARX function if the
density of radio stations in your area is
very high.
Switching SHARX on/off
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
the tuner menu.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “SHARX” appears in the
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “STATION NAME” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 to
● Press the button 7.
switch SHARX on/off.
You will now enter editing mode. The
currently set name is displayed and the
first text input position flashes.
“SHARX OFF” means automatic band-
width switching is deactivated, “SHARX
ON” means it is activated.
● Use the
buttons 7 to select
● Press the MENU button 9.
the character that you want. If you
want an empty space, simply se-
lect the underscore.
Configuring the display
You have the option in radio mode of
displaying the frequency / radio text or
the frequency / radio text and the time
in the lower display area. You can also
make the system show just the station
name (if receivable) in the entire display.
● Use the or button 7 to move
from one text input position to an-
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Briefly press the DIS•ESC button
8 to switch between the options.
Traffic information
Your device is equipped with an RDS-
EON receiver. EON stands for En-
hanced Other Network.
Activating/deactivating the radio
text display
Some stations use the RDS signal to
broadcast scrolling texts known as ra-
dio texts. You can allow radio texts to
be displayed or you can block them.
Whenever a traffic announcement (TA)
is broadcast, the system switches au-
tomatically from a station that does not
provide traffic reports to the appropri-
ate traffic information station within the
broadcasting network that does.
● Press the MENU button 9.
“TUNER MENU” appears in the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
the tuner menu.
Once the traffic report has been played,
the system will switch back to the pro-
gramme that you were listening to be-
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “R-TEXT” appears in the
● Press the or button 7 to
Switching traffic information
priority on/off
switch radio text on/off.
“R-TEXT OFF” means that no radio
texts will be displayed and “R-TEXT ON”
means they will be displayed.
● Press the TRAF button =.
Traffic announcement priority is active
when the traffic-jam symbol lights up in
the display.
● Press the MENU button 9.
You will hear a warning beep:
● if you leave the reception area of a
traffic information station that you
are currently listening to.
● if, while listening to a CD or CD in
the changer, you leave the recep-
tion area of a traffic information sta-
tion that the system is tuned into
and the subsequent automatic
search cannot find a new traffic in-
formation station.
● if you retune the radio from a traffic
information station to a station that
does not broadcast traffic informa-
If you hear the warning beep, you can
either switch off traffic information pri-
ority or tune into a station that broad-
casts traffic information.
CD mode
You can use this device to play stand-
ard audio CDs, CD-Rs and CD-RWs
with a diameter of 12 cm. To avoid prob-
lems when playing CDs, you should not
burn CDs at speeds greater than 16-
Setting the volume for traffic
● Press the MENU button 9.
Besides being able to play audio CDs
on this device, you can also play CDs
containing MP3 music files. For further
information, please read the chapter
entitled “MP3 mode”.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VOLUME MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the OK button : to display
the volume menu.
Risk of severe damage to the
CD drive!
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “TRAFFIC” appears in
the display.
CD singles with a diameter of 8 cm
and non-circular contoured CDs
(shape CDs) must not be used.
We accept no responsibility for any
damage to the CD drive that may
occur as a result of the use of un-
suitable CDs.
● Adjust the volume using the
buttons 7.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
Switching to CD mode
● If there is no CD inserted in the
● Using the volume control 5, you
can also adjust the volume during
a traffic announcement for the du-
ration of that announcement.
● press the
button 2.
The flip-release panel opens.
● Gently insert the CD with its printed
side uppermost into the drive until
you feel some resistance.
● You can adjust the sound settings
and volume distribution settings for
traffic announcements. For further
information, please read the
“Sound” chapter.
The drive draws in the CD automatical-
You must not hinder or assist the drive
as it draws in the CD.
● Gently close the control panel
whilst exerting a little pressure until
you feel it click into place.
The CD starts playing.
Random track play (MIX)
● If the device was switched off be-
fore you inserted the CD, you will
first have to switch on the device
by pressing button 1 in order to
start playing the CD.
● Press the 4 MIX button ;.
“MIX CD ON” appears briefly in the dis-
play and the MIX symbol lights up. The
next randomly selected track will then
be played.
● If a CD is already inserted in the
Cancelling MIX
● press the SRC button @ repeated-
● Press the 4 MIX button ; again.
“MIX CD OFF” appears briefly in the
display and the MIX symbol disappears.
ly until “CD” appears in the display.
Playback begins from the point at which
it was last interrupted.
Scanning tracks (SCAN)
You can scan (briefly play) all the tracks
on the CD.
Selecting tracks
● Press one of the arrow buttons 7
to select the next or previous track.
● Press and hold down the OK but-
ton : for longer than two sec-
If you press the or button 7 once,
the player will play the current track
again from the beginning.
The next track will then be scanned.
Fast track selection
To quickly select tracks backwards or
● You can set the scanning time. For
further information, please read the
section entitled “Setting the scan-
ning time” in the “Radio mode”
● press and hold down one of the
buttons 7 until fast-reverse /
fast-forward track selection begins.
Cancelling SCAN and continuing
listening to a track
Fast searching (audible)
To fast search backwards or forwards,
● To stop scanning, press the OK
● press and hold down one of the
buttons 7 until fast searching
backwards / forwards begins.
button :.
The currently scanned track will then
continue to be played normally.
Repeating tracks (REPEAT)
If you want to repeat a track,
● press the 5 RPT button ;.
“RPT TRK ON” appears briefly in the
display and the RPT symbol lights up.
The track is repeated continuously until
you deactivate RPT.
First line: Track number and play-
ing time.
Second line: CD text or CD name
and clock time
● In the menu you can configure
whether you want to display the
CD text or the CD name. For fur-
ther information, please read the
following section entitled “Display-
ing CD text”.
Cancelling REPEAT
If you want to cancel the repeat func-
● press the 5 RPT button ; again.
● CD text can only be displayed if the
appropriate information is con-
tained on the CD. The CD name
can only be displayed if you have
already named the CD. For further
information, please read the sec-
tion entitled “Naming CDs”.
“RPT TRK OFF” appears briefly in the
display and the RPT symbol disappears.
Normal playback is then resumed.
Pausing playback (PAUSE)
● Press the 6 button ;.
“PAUSE” appears in the display.
To switch between the display options,
● press the DIS•ESC button 8 once
or several times until the display
that you want appears.
Cancelling pause
● Press the 6 button ; while in
pause mode.
Displaying CD text/CD name
Playback is resumed.
Some CDs include CD text. The CD text
might contain the names of the artist,
album and tracks.
Changing the display
You can choose from various display
options in CD mode:
The CD text is displayed in the second
line of the display instead of the CD
name. You can allow the CD text to be
displayed as scrolling text every time
you switch to another track. The default
display will appear again after the whole
CD text has been shown once. For fur-
ther information, please read the sec-
tion entitled “Changing the display”.
First line: Track number
Second line: Playing time
First line: Track number and play-
ing time.
Second line: CD text or CD name
Switching CD text on/off
Entering/editing CD names
● Listen to the CD that you want.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat- ● Press the MENU button 9.
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
● Press the OK button :.
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat- ● Press the OK button :.
edly until “CD TEXT” or “CD
NAME” appears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
● Use the
buttons 7 to switch
between the “CD TEXT” and “CD
NAME” options.
● Press the OK button :.
You will now enter editing mode. If your
CD does not have a name yet, “ABC-
DEFGH” appears in the display.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
The first text input position flashes.
● Use the
buttons 7 to select
Scrolling CD text
the character that you want. If you
want an empty space, simply se-
lect the underscore.
If the CD that is inserted in the drive
contains CD text, you can make the
system display the text as scrolling text
during playback.
● Use the or button 7 to move
from one text input position to an-
● Briefly press the 1 SCL button 6.
Naming CDs
When you have finished making your
The car sound system allows you to
assign names for up to 30 CDs so that
you can recognise them more easily.
The names can be up to eight charac-
ters long. “CD NAME FULL” will appear
in the display if you try assigning more
than 30 names.
● press the OK button :.
Deleting a CD name
● Listen to the CD whose name you
want to delete.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
● Let go of the MENU button 9.
The CD names will be deleted.
● You can return to the menu by
● Press the OK button :.
pressing the MENU button 9.
● Press and hold down the MENU
button 9. After four seconds you
will hear a beep and “DELETE
NAME” appears in the display.
Traffic announcements in CD
If you wish to receive traffic announce-
ments in CD mode,
● Let go of the MENU button 9.
The CD name will be deleted.
● press the TRAF button =.
Traffic announcement priority is active
when the traffic-jam symbol lights up in
the display. For further details, please
read the chapter entitled “Traffic infor-
● You can return to the menu by
pressing the MENU button 9.
Deleting all CD names
You can delete all the CD names stored
in the car sound system.
Ejecting a CD
● Listen to a CD.
● Press the
button 2.
● Press the MENU button 9.
The flip-release panel opens out to-
wards you.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the eject button A next to
the CD compartment.
● Press the OK button :.
The CD is ejected.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
● Remove the CD and close the con-
trol panel.
● Press the OK button :.
● If a CD is ejected, the drive will au-
tomatically draw it back in again af-
ter 10 seconds.
● Press and hold down the MENU
button 9. After four seconds you
will hear a beep and “DELETE
NAME” appears in the display.
Continue holding the button
● You can also eject CDs whilst the
device is switched off or whilst an-
other audio source is activated.
pressed down until you hear a sec-
ond beep and “DELETE ALL” ap-
pears in the display.
This device supports as many subdirec-
tories as your burner software can cre-
ate despite the fact that the maximum
directory depth defined by the ISO 9660
standard is only 8.
MP3 mode
You can also use this car sound sys-
tem to play CD-Rs and CD-RWs that
contain MP3 music files.
MP3 is a process developed by the
Fraunhofer Institute for compressing CD
audio data. Compression allows data to
be reduced to around 10% of their orig-
inal size without a noticeable loss in
quality (at a bit rate of 128 kbit/s). If a
lower bit rate is used to convert CD au-
dio data to MP3, you will be able to cre-
ate smaller files but this will be accom-
panied by a loss in audio quality.
Preparing an MP3-CD
The various combinations of CD burn-
ers, CD burning software and CD blanks
may lead to problems arising with the
device’s ability to play certain CDs. If
problems occur with your own burned
CDs, you should try another brand of
CD blank or choose another colour of
CD blank. To avoid problems when play-
ing CDs, you should not burn CDs at
speeds greater than 16-speed.
The format of the CD must be ISO 9660
Level 1 / Level 2 or Joliet. Other formats
cannot be played reliably.
You can name each directory using a
PC. The device is capable of displaying
the directory name. Name the directo-
ries and tracks/files using your CD burn-
er software. The software’s instruction
manual will provide details on how to
do this.
You can create a maximum of 253 di-
rectories on a CD. You can use this de-
vice to access each of these directo-
Regardless of the number of directories
on the CD, the device can handle up to
65,535 MP3 files on a single CD - even
if they are all stored in one directory.
● Do not use mix-mode CDs contain-
ing both CD-audio tracks and MP3
tracks. If you try playing a mix-
mode CD, the device will only play
the CD-audio tracks.
● When naming directories and
tracks/files you should avoid using
accents and special characters.
You can use a maximum of 32
characters (including the “.MP3” file
extension) for track names and di-
rectory names.
Switching to MP3 mode
MP3 mode is activated in the same way
as normal CD mode. For further infor-
mation, please read the section entitled
“Switching to CD mode” in the “CD
mode” chapter.
If you like your files to be in the correct
order, you should use burner software
that places files in alphanumerical or-
der. If your software does not provide
this feature you also have the option of
sorting the files manually. To do so, you
should place a number (e.g. “001”,
“002”, etc.) at the beginning of each file
name - you must include the leading
Configuring the display
Configuring the default display
You can display various types of infor-
mation on the current track:
First line: Track name
MP3 tracks can contain additional in-
formation such as the artist, album and
track names (ID3 tags). This device can
display ID3 tags (version 1). When cre-
ating (encoding) MP3 files from audio
files, you should use bit rates up to a
maximum of 256 kbits/sec.
Second line: Directory name
First line: Track name.
Second line: MP3-ID TAG (if avail-
able and activated, see “Selecting
MP3 info”).
This device can only play MP3 files that
have the “.MP3” file extension.
● The system can display MP3-ID
tags (version 1) if they have been
saved with the MP3 files (for further
information, please read the in-
structions that came with your PC’s
MP3 software or burner software).
To ensure uninterrupted playback,
● do not try changing the file exten-
sion to “.MP3” of any files other
than MP3 files and then attempt to
play them! The device will ignore
these invalid files during playback.
First line: Directory name
Second line: Track name.
● Do not use “mixed” CDs containing
both non-MP3 data and MP3
tracks (the device only reads MP3
files during MP3 playback).
Selecting the directory in browse
● You can use MP3 browse mode to
find MP3 files on your CD quickly
and conveniently. You cannot use
the fast search, MIX, SCAN or
REPEAT functions whilst in MP3
browse mode.
You can display the current and subse-
quent directory in both lines of the dis-
play. The directories are displayed with
the names that you created when burn-
ing the CD. Whilst the directories are
being displayed, you can use the arrow
buttons to display and select all the
available directories.
First line: Track number and play-
ing time.
Second line: Directory number
● During MP3 playback, press the
DIS•ESC button 8 repeatedly un-
til “MP3 BROWSE MODE” appears
in the display.
First line: Directory number and
track number.
Second line: CD text or CD name
and clock time
● Press the or button 7 to dis-
play the directories on the CD.
To switch between the different display
● If you want to select a directory,
press one of the
buttons 7
● press the DIS•ESC button 8.
repeatedly until the directory is
shown in the top line of the display
and then press the OK button :.
Selecting a directory
Selecting a directory using the
arrow buttons (Normal, info, track
and dir and clock mode)
The selected directory opens and the
first track starts playing. The tracks con-
tained in the directory are displayed in
browse mode.
To move up or down to another directory,
● press the or button 7 once or
several times.
● The device will automatically skip
any directories that do not contain
MP3 files. The device will automati-
cally correct the number of directo-
ries for the display. This number
might therefore no longer be identi-
cal to the number of directories that
you actually created.
Selecting tracks
Random track play – MIX
(not in MP3 browse mode)
To play the tracks in the current directo-
ry in random order,
Selecting tracks/files using the
arrow buttons (Normal, info, track
and dir and clock mode)
● briefly press the 4 MIX button ;.
“MIX DIR” appears in the display and
the MIX symbol lights up.
To move up or down to another track/
file in the current directory,
● press the or button 7 once or
several times.
To play the tracks contained in all the
directories on the inserted MP3-CD in
random order,
If you press the button 7 once, the
current track will be played again from
the beginning.
● press the 4 MIX button ; again.
“MIX CD” appears in the display and the
MIX symbol lights up.
Selecting tracks in browse mode
Browse mode conveniently allows you
to view the tracks contained in a direc-
tory and then select a particular track.
Cancelling MIX
To cancel MIX,
● During MP3 playback, repeatedly
press the DIS•ESC button 8 until
“MP3 BROWSE MODE” is dis-
● briefly and repeatedly press the 4
MIX button ; until “MIX OFF” ap-
pears in the display.
The MIX symbol disappears.
● Press the or button 7 to dis-
play all the tracks contained in the
directory one after another.
Scanning tracks – SCAN
(not in MP3 browse mode)
● If you want to select the currently
displayed track, press the OK but-
ton :.
You can scan (briefly play) all the tracks
on the CD.
● Press and hold down the OK but-
ton : for longer than two sec-
onds. The next track will then be
Fast searching
(not in MP3 browse mode)
To fast search backwards or forwards,
“SCAN” and the selected display mode
appear alternately in the display (see
“Configuring the display”).
● press and hold down the or
button 7 until fast searching back-
wards / forwards begins.
● You can set the scanning time. For
further information on setting the
scanning time, please read the
section entitled “Setting the scan-
ning time” in the “Radio mode”
Selecting MP3 info
If you want to select the “MP3 INFO”
display mode, you first have to activate
this function in the menu.
In order for the system to be able to dis-
play MP3 information, the information
must be stored on the CD in the form of
Cancelling SCAN and continuing
listening to a track
● Briefly press the OK button :.
The currently scanned track will then ID tags together with the MP3 files.
continue to be played normally.
● Press the MENU button 9.
Repeating individual tracks or
whole directories – REPEAT
(not in MP3 browse mode)
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
To play the current track repeatedly,
● briefly press the 5 RPT button ;.
“REPEATTRACK” appears briefly in the
display and RPT lights up.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “MP3 INFO” appears in
the display.
● Use the
buttons 7 to switch
To repeat the whole directory,
between the “ON” and “OFF” op-
● press the 5 RPT button ; again.
“REPEAT DIR” appears briefly in the
When you have finished making your
Cancelling REPEAT
● press the MENU button 9.
To stop the current track or current di-
rectory from being repeated,
Displaying scrolling text
The selected information (track, album
or file name and directory name) is dis-
played once as scrolling text when the
track changes. To display the informa-
tion again as scrolling text,
● briefly and repeatedly press the 5
RPT button ; until “REPEAT
OFF” appears in the display.
RPT disappears from the display.
● briefly press the 1 SCL button 6.
Pausing playback (PAUSE)
● Press the 6 button ;.
“PAUSE” appears in the display.
Cancelling pause
● Press the 6 button ; while in
pause mode.
Playback is resumed.
CD-changer mode
Changing the display
You can choose from various display
options in CD-changer mode:
● Information on handling CDs, in-
serting CDs and operating the CD
changer can be found in the oper-
ating instructions supplied with
your CD changer.
First line: Track number
Second line: CD number / CD
name and playing time
Switching to CD-changer mode
First line: Track number.
Second line: CD number / CD
name and clock time
● Press the SRC button @ repeat-
edly until “CDC” appears in the dis-
First and second line: Track
The device starts playing the first CD
that the CD changer detects.
To switch between the display options,
Selecting CDs
To move up or down to another CD,
● press the DIS•ESC button 8.
In the menu you can choose to display
the CD name (if available) instead of
the CD number. (For further information,
please read the “Naming CDs” section):
● press the or button 7 once or
several times.
● The device will ignore empty CD
slots in the changer and slots con-
taining invalid CDs.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
Selecting tracks
To move up or down to another track
on the current CD,
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME” or “DISC
● press the or button 7 once or
several times.
NUMBER” appears in the display.
Fast searching (audible)
To fast search backwards or forwards,
● Use the
buttons 7 to switch
between the “CD NAME” and
“DISC NUMBER” options.
● press and hold down one of the
buttons 7 until fast searching
backwards / forwards begins.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
Repeating individual tracks or
whole CDs (REPEAT)
Scanning all tracks on all CDs
To repeat the current track,
To scan (briefly play) all the tracks on
all the inserted CDs in ascending order,
● briefly press the 5 RPT button ;.
“REPEAT TRACK” appears briefly and
RPT lights up in the display.
● press and hold down the OK but-
ton : for longer than two sec-
To repeat the current CD,
“SCAN” and the selected display mode
appear alternately in the display.
● press the 5 RPT button ; again.
“REPEAT CD” appears briefly and RPT
lights up in the display.
Stopping SCAN
To stop scanning,
Cancelling REPEAT
● briefly press the OK button :.
The currently scanned track will then
continue to be played normally.
To stop the current track or current CD
from being repeated,
● repeatedly press button 5 RPT ;
until “REPEAT OFF” appears in the
display and RPT disappears.
● You can set the scanning time. For
further information, please read the
section entitled “Setting the scan-
ning time” in the “Radio mode”
Random track play (MIX)
To play the tracks on the current CD in
random order,
Pausing playback (PAUSE)
● Press the 6 button ;.
“PAUSE” appears in the display.
● briefly press the 4 MIX button ;.
“MIX CD” appears briefly and MIX lights
up in the display.
To play the tracks on all inserted CDs in
random order,
Cancelling pause
● Press the 6 button ; while in
● press the 4 MIX button ; again.
“MIXALL” appears briefly and MIX lights
up in the display.
pause mode.
Playback is resumed.
Cancelling MIX
● Briefly and repeatedly press the 4
MIX button ; until “MIX OFF” ap-
pears in the display and MIX disap-
When you have finished making your
Naming CDs
The car sound system allows you to
assign names for up to 30 CDs so that
you can recognise them more easily.
The names can be a maximum of sev-
en characters long.
● press the MENU button 9.
Deleting a CD name
● Listen to the CD whose name you
want to delete.
“CD NAME FULL” will appear in the dis-
play if you try assigning more than 30
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
Entering/editing CD names
● Listen to the CD that you want.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press and hold down the MENU
button 9. After four seconds you
will hear a beep and “DELETE
NAME” appears in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
● Let go of the MENU button 9.
The CD name will be deleted.
● Press the OK button :.
You will now enter editing mode. If your
CD does not have a name yet, “ABC-
DEFG” appears in the display.
The currently active text input position
● You can return to the menu by
pressing the MENU button 9.
Deleting all CD names
You can delete all the CD names stored
in the car sound system.
● Use the
buttons 7 to select
the character that you want. If you
want an empty space, simply se-
lect the underscore.
● Listen to a CD.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Use the or button 7 to move
from one text input position to an-
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CD NAME EDIT” ap-
pears in the display.
CLOCK time
Displaying the time
You can make the clock time appear
continuously in the bottom part of the
display while any audio source is acti-
vated. For further information, please
read the “Configuring the display” sec-
tions in the relevant chapters.
● Press and hold down the MENU
button 9. After four seconds you
will hear a beep and “DELETE
NAME” appears in the display.
Continue holding the button
pressed down until you hear a sec-
ond beep and “DELETE ALL” ap-
pears in the display.
Setting the clock automatically
You can configure the system to set the
clock time automatically using the RDS
● Let go of the MENU button 9.
All CD names will be deleted.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the OK button : to return to
the menu.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CLOCK MENU” appears
in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CLOCK AUTO” or
“CLOCK MANUAL” appears in the
● Select the “CLOCK AUTO” setting
using the or button 7.
● Press the MENU button 9.
The menu appears again.
Setting the clock manually
To set the clock time manually,
● press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CLOCK MENU” appears
in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat- Displaying the time continuously
edly until “CLOCK SET” appears in
the display.
when the device is off and the
ignition is on
● Press the OK button :.
The time appears in the display.
To display the time when the device is
off and the vehicle ignition is on,
The hours flash and can be adjusted.
● press the MENU button 9.
● Set the hours using the
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CLOCK MENU” appears
in the display.
tons 7.
Once the hours are set,
● press the button 7.
The minutes flash.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “OFF CLOCK OFF” or
“OFF CLOCK ON” appears in the
● Set the minutes using the
buttons 7.
● Press the OK button : and then
● Press the or button 7 to
switch between the ON/OFF set-
the MENU button 9.
Selecting 12/24-hour clock
When you have finished making your
● Press the MENU button 9.
● press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CLOCK MENU” appears
in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “24 HOUR MODE” or
“12 HOUR MODE” appears in the
● Press the or button 7 to
switch between the modes.
When you have finished making your
● press the MENU button 9.
button 7 to make further changes
to the settings.
You can adjust the sound settings (bass
and treble) separately for each source
(radio, CD/MP3, CD changer,AUX, traf-
fic announcement, telephone/naviga-
tion). The volume distribution settings
(balance and fader) apply to all the au-
dio sources.
Setting the left/right volume
distribution (balance)
To adjust the left/right volume distribu-
tion (balance),
● press the AUDIO button >.
“BASS” appears in the display.
● You can only adjust the audio set-
tings for traffic announcements and
the navigation system whilst a traf-
fic announcement or navigation an-
nouncement is actually playing.
Likewise, you can only adjust the
telephone audio settings during a
telephone call.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “BALANCE” appears in
the display.
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
just the balance (right/left).
● Press the AUDIO button > to
close the menu or press the
button 7 to make further changes
to the settings.
Adjusting the bass
● Press the AUDIO button >.
“BASS” appears in the display.
Adjusting the front/rear volume
distribution (fader)
To adjust the front/rear volume distribu-
tion (fader),
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
just the bass.
● Press the AUDIO button > to
● press the AUDIO button >.
“BASS” appears in the display.
close the menu or press the
button 7 to make further changes
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “FADER” appears in the
to the settings.
Adjusting the treble
● Press the AUDIO button >.
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “TREBLE” appears in the
just the fader (front/rear).
● Press the AUDIO button > to
close the menu or press the
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
button 7 to make further changes
to the settings.
just the treble.
● Press the AUDIO button > to
close the menu or press the
The X-BASS feature can be used to The Casablanca MP54 is fitted with a
boost the bass at low volume levels.
digital DEQ Max equalizer. TheAcapul-
co has a DEQ Max EX equalizer.
Adjusting the X-BASS boost
This means you have three 5-band
equalizers, six sound presets and sev-
en vehicle presets at your disposal.
The X-BASS boost can be set in steps
ranging from 1 to 6 for one of the fol-
lowing frequencies: 32 Hz, 40 Hz,
50 Hz, 63 Hz or 80 Hz.
You can also configure the EQ1 - EQ3
equalizers manually.
“LEVEL 0” means that no X-BASS boost
will be applied, and “LEVEL 6” means
that X-BASS will be boosted by the
maximum amount.
TheAcapulco MP54 additionally allows
you to calibrate an equalizer automati-
cally. You can obtain the calibration mi-
crophone necessary for this from acces-
sory retailers.
● Press the AUDIO button >.
“BASS” appears in the display.
The following bands are available:
● LOW 1
● LOW 2
● HIGH 1
● HIGH 2
● HIGH 3
20 - 250 Hz
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “X-BASS” appears in the
20 - 250 Hz
315 - 20 000 Hz
315 - 20 000 Hz
315 - 20 000 Hz
● Press the OK button :.
The X-Bass menu is displayed. The fre-
quency flashes.
Switching the equalizer on/off
To switch the equalizer on/off,
● press the DEQ button ?.
● Press the or button 7 to set
the frequency that you want.
● Press the button 7.
The equalizer menu appears in the dis-
The boost level flashes.
● Press the or button 7 to set
To activate the equalizer,
the boost level that you want.
When you have finished making your
● select one of the sound presets or
adjust the equalizer manually. For
further information, please read the
sections that follow in this chapter.
● press the AUDIO button >.
To deactivate the equalizer,
Selecting vehicle presets
● press the or button 7 repeat- You can choose from optimised equal-
izer settings for the following vehicle
edly until “EQ OFF” appears in the
● Press the OK : button and then
the DEQ button ?.
Selecting sound presets
You can select sound presets for the
following music types.
The settings for these vehicle types
have already been programmed.
● Press the DEQ button ?.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “CAR PRESETS” ap-
pears in the display.
The settings for these music styles have
already been programmed.
● Press the OK button :.
● Repeatedly press the or button
7 until the vehicle type that you
want is displayed.
● Press the DEQ button ?.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “SOUND PRESETS” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the DEQ button ?.
The settings are saved.
● Press the OK button :.
Automatic equalizer calibration
(only Acapulco MP54)
You can electronically calibrate and
store values for three different situations,
● Repeatedly press the or button
7 until the sound preset that you
want is displayed.
● Press the DEQ button ?.
The settings are saved.
EQ 1 for the driver only
EQ 2 for the driver and front passen-
EQ 3 for the front and rear occupants
Hold the calibration microphone in the
appropriate position whilst calibration is
taking place.
The position of the calibration micro-
phone for Situation 1 (e.g. for the driver
alone) is at the height of the driver’s
head, approx. 10 cm next to the right
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “MANUAL EQ” appears in
the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the equalizer that you
want to calibrate (“USER EQ1”,
“USER EQ2” or “USER EQ3”) ap-
pears in the display.
For Situation 2, the calibration micro-
phone should be positioned at head
height between the driver and the front
For Situation 3, you should position the
calibration microphone at head height
in the centre of the vehicle interior (left/
right, front/rear).
● Press the OK button : twice.
● Press the ESC button 8.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “AUTO EQ” appears in
the display.
Really quiet surroundings are required
for the calibration.Any extraneous noise
will distort the measured values.
● Press the OK button :.
The windows, doors and sunroof must
remain closed during the calibration
process. You should be seated in the
driving seat throughout this procedure.
A countdown is shown in the display.
Afterwards you will hear a test sound
and calibration begins.
Follow the instructions shown in the dis-
play during calibration!
You can obtain the calibration micro-
phone necessary for this from acces-
sory retailers.
Manually adjusting the equalizer
Notes on adjusting the settings
During calibration, the temperature in-
side the vehicle must not exceed 55 °C
since this could lead to falsified meas-
We recommend you use a CD that you
are familiar with for making changes to
the settings.
The sound radiating from the loud-
speakers must not be obstructed by any
objects. All the loudspeakers must be
connected. The microphone must be
connected to the device.
Before adjusting the equalizer, set the
sound and volume distribution settings
to zero and deactivate X-BASS. For fur-
ther information, please read the
“Sound” chapter.
To calibrate the automatic equalizer,
● Listen to a CD.
● press the DEQ button ?.
● What kind of impression does the
sound make?
To adjust the gain,
● Now refer to the “Sound impres-
sion” column in the table entitled
“Help adjusting the equalizer”.
● press the or button 7.
To adjust the quality factor,
● press the button 7.
● Adjust the equalizer values as de-
scribed in the “Measures” column.
The quality factor setting flashes.
Making adjustments
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the setting that you want
is displayed.
● Press the DEQ button ?.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “MANUAL EQ” appears in
the display.
● Please note that you can boost or
reduce one frequency in each
equalizer band. Proceed in the way
described above with all the equal-
izer bands that you want to adjust.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the equalizer that you
want to configure (“USER EQ1”,
“USER EQ2” or “USER EQ3”) ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the OK button : or the
DEQ button ? to close the menu.
● Press the OK button :.
The settings are saved.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the equalizer band that
you want to configure (“LOW EQ1”,
EQ2” or “HIGH EQ3”) appears in
the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the frequency that you
want is displayed.
● Press the OK button :.
The top line displays the GAIN and the
quality factor “Q”. The gain setting flash-
es. You can use the quality factor to set
the width of the filter. The higher you
set the value for the quality factor the
more directly the filter will be applied to
the selected frequency.
Help adjusting the equalizer
Sound Impression / problem
Bass sound is too weak
Increase bass with
Frequency: 32 to 160 Hz
Gain: +4 to +6 dB
Dirty bass
Booming sound
Unpleasant pressure
Reduce the lower mid level with
Frequency: 400 Hz
Gain: approx. -4 dB
Sound very much in the foreground,
aggressive, no stereo effect.
Reduce the mid level with
Frequency: 1,000 to 2,500 Hz
Gain: -4 to -6 dB
Dull sound
Little clarity
No brilliance to the instruments
Boost the treble range with
Frequency: 6,300 to 10,000 Hz
Gain: +2 to +4 dB
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “PWR METER” appears
in the display alongside the current
setting (“ON” or “OFF”).
Adjusting the display
Switching the bar graph on/off
You also have the option of switching
off the bar graph in the bottom line of
the display.
● Press the or button 7 to
switch between the settings.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the MENU button 9.
Adjusting the display brightness
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
The display brightness will change when
the headlights are turned on/off if your
car sound system is connected as de-
scribed in the installation instructions
and your vehicle is equipped with the
appropriate connection. You can adjust
the display brightness separately for
night and day in steps ranging from
1 - 16.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “BARGRAPH” appears in
the display alongside the current
setting (“ON” or “OFF”).
● Press the or button 7 to
switch between the ON and OFF
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the MENU button 9.
Switching the power meter on/
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DAY” or “NIGHT” ap-
pears in the display with the current
The power meter (level display) in the
bottom line of the display can be used
indicate the relative output power of the
car sound system (PWR METER ON)
or the volume level (PWR METER
● Press the or button 7 to
switch between the brightness lev-
● Press the MENU button 9.
When you have finished making your
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “VARIOUS MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● press the MENU button 9.
● Press the OK button :.
Adjusting the viewing angle
● Press the OK button :.
You can adjust the display’s viewing
angle to suit the installation position of
the device in your vehicle.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY COLOR” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the colour that you want
is displayed.
● Press the OK button :.
When you have finished making your
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “ANGLE” appears in the
display with the current setting.
● press the OK : button and then
the MENU button 9.
The settings are saved.
● Press the or button 7 to ad-
just the viewing angle.
Mixing a colour for the display
When you have finished making your
To customise the display illumination to
suit your tastes you can mix a colour
yourself using the three primary colours
red, blue and green.
● press the MENU button 9.
Setting the display illumination
colour (only Acapulco MP54)
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
When setting the display illumination,
you can choose one of four preset col-
ours or you can mix a colour yourself
from the RGB spectrum (red-green-
blue) or you can select a colour during
a colour scan.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY COLOR” ap-
pears in the display.
Selecting a preset colour
● Press the OK button :.
Four different colours are already stored
in the device. “Ocean” (blue), “Amber”,
“Sunset” (red-orange) and “Nature”
(green) are available. Select a colour
that best suits your vehicle interior.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “USER COLOR” appears
in the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
The menu for mixing your own colour is
displayed. The top line displays “R”, “G”
and “B” with the current values. The “R”
setting flashes.
Mixing the button illumination
colour (only Acapulco MP54)
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the setting that you want
is displayed.
You can mix your own button/key illu-
mination colour using the two primary
colours red and green.
● Press the or button 7 to
move the selection marker to the
position after the other colours.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Adjust the other colour compo-
nents to suit your preferences.
● Press the OK button :.
When you have finished making your
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “KEY COLOR” appears in
the display.
● press the OK : button and then
the MENU button 9.
The settings are saved.
● Press the OK button :.
The menu for mixing your own colour is
displayed. The top line displays “R” for
red and “G” for green with the current
values. The “R” setting (red) flashes.
Selecting a display illumination
colour during a colour scan
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY MENU” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until the value that you want is
● Press the OK button :.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “DISPLAY COLOR” ap-
pears in the display.
● Press the button 7 to move the
selection marker to the position af-
ter “G”.
● Press the OK button :.
● Adjust the green colour component
to suit your preferences.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “COLOR SCAN” appears
in the display.
When you have finished making your
The device starts changing the display
illumination colour.
● press the MENU button 9.
The settings are saved.
If you want to select one of the colours,
● press the OK : button and then
the MENU button 9.
The settings are saved.
When you have finished making your
External audio sources
In addition to the CD changer, you can
also connect another external audio
source equipped with a line output. If
no CD changer is connected to the de-
vice, you can connect two external au-
dio sources. Audio sources can, for ex-
ample, be portable CD players, MiniDisc
players or MP3 players.
● press the MENU button 9.
● If the AUX input is switched on, you
can select it by pressing the SRC
button @.
The AUX input must be activated in the
If you want to connect an external au-
dio source, you will need an adapter
You can obtain this cable (Blaupunkt
no.: 7 607 897 093) from your author-
ised Blaupunkt dealer.
Switching the AUX input on/off
● Press the MENU button 9.
● Press the or button 7 repeat-
edly until “AUX MENU” appears in
the display.
● Press the OK button :.
● Repeatedly press the or but-
ton 7 until “AUX2” or “AUX1” ap-
pears in the display.
If a CD changer is connected, “AUX1”
is not available.
● Use the
buttons 7 to switch
between the “ON” and “OFF” op-
TMC for dynamic navigation Specifications
TMC stands for “Traffic Message Chan-
Output power: 4 x 18 watts sine at
nel”. Traffic reports are broadcast digit-
ally via TMC, which means they can be
used by compatible navigation systems
during route planning. Your car sound
system has a TMC output, which you
can use for connecting Blaupunkt nav-
igation systems. You can find out from
your Blaupunkt dealer which navigation
systems can be used with your car
sound system.
14.4 V and 1% dis-
tortion factor at
4 ohms.
4 x 26 watts sine in
accordance with DIN
45324 at 14.4 V at
4 ohms.
4 x 50 watts max.
If a navigation system is connected and
a TMC station is being received, TMC
lights up in the display.
FM :
MW :
LW :
87.5 - 108 MHz
531 - 1 602 kHz
153 - 279 kHz
If dynamic navigation is active, the sys-
tem will tune into a TMC station auto-
FM frequency response:
35 - 16,000 Hz
Frequency response:
20 - 20,000 Hz
Pre-amp out
4 channels:
4 V
Input sensitivity
AUX input:
2 V / 6 kΩ
Tel./Navi input: 10 V / 1 kΩ
Subject to changes!
Service-Nummern / Service numbers / Numéros du service après-
vente / Numeri del servizio di assistenza / Servicenummers /
Telefonnummer för service / Números de servicio / Número de
serviço / Servicenumre
05121-49 4002
01-610 39 0
02-525 5444
01-610 39 391
02-525 5263
44-898 644
09-435 99236
01-4010 7320
01-89583 8394
210 94 12 711
02-369 62464
40 2085
(DK) 44 898 360
(FIN) 09-435 991
01-4010 7007
Great Britain (GB) 01-89583 8880
(GR) 210 94 27 337
(IRL) 01-4149400
02-369 62331
40 4078
Luxembourg (L)
Netherlands (NL) 023-565 6348
023-565 6331
66-817 157
01-2185 11111
66-817 000
01-2185 00144
Switzerland (CH) 01-8471644
Czech. Rep. (CZ) 02-6130 0441
02-6130 0514
01-324 8756
01-333 9575
(PL) 0800-118922
(TR) 0212-3350677
(USA) 800-2662528
(BR) +55-19 3745 2769 +55-19 3745 2773
(Asia Pacific) (MAL) +604-6382 474
+604-6413 640
Blaupunkt GmbH
CM/PSS 8 622 403 885
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